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For our customers: Product roadmap sneak peek
Restaurant Payroll 101
Learn how to tackle the hardest aspects of paying restaurant workers from taxes and tip reporting to labor law compliance.
team communications

Stay connected through streamlined communication

In today's world, everyone's inundated with messages. Cut through the noise with a smart blend of automation and personalization—without needing a separate platform.


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Frame 605

Trusted by more than 20,000 companies
chat with applicants and workers in workstream app

Easily chat with applicants and workers

Keep applicants and workers engaged with natural and timely conversations.

  • Start or continue a conversation via email or SMS

  • Get notified instantly when you receive replies

  • Access full conversation history anytime

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message template for hiring communications

Send the right message at the right moment with automation

Save time by automating transactional communications.

  • Easily configure when your messages are sent

  • Use default templates or your own templates to send personalized messages

  • Don't worry about spam—we're email and SMS compliant

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hire on the go

Hire on-the-go

Managers can use our mobile app to view new applications, schedule interviews, and message applicants.

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Have more active and engaging conversations with applicants and team members.

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How to humanize recruiting automation

young woman smiling

Hire hourly employees faster with texting and automation tools

people having meeting on a table

Embracing modern technologies in restaurant management

Centralize your team communications

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